Pure SUPER FIBER with FBCX Revolutionary New Patented WEIGHT LOSS Fiber Product Just released on Dr Oz to Lose Weight that binds to and Eliminates up to 9 times its weight in fat and reduces calorie absorption by up to 500 fat calories a day, Better

$57.77 Updating...
  • Dr. Oz Recently Featured this Brand New Revolutionary Patented "Super Fiber" help in the fight against obesity!
  • Studies have shown that FBCx binds nine times its weight to fat (highly superior to the 1:1 ratio that is typical for dietary fibers). The active ingredient, α-cyclodextrin, is a natural non-digestible dietary fiber. The fiber forms a bond around fat molecules, and then safely removes them from the body before they can be absorbed, without side effects. FBCx taken three times a day with meals or snacks, can eliminate 500 calories per day, or 3,500 calories from per week
  • FBCx supplement is GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) approved by the FDA as an ingredient in foods, beverages and supplements at levels up to 25g/day.
  • Approved for daily consumption by the World Health Organization.
  • FBCx has also been proven to reduce triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels in the blood as well as improving insulin sensitivity without side effects. This has the potential to improve overall health for users of the product.
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